C. B. Gitty

A. J. Gaither's "Arkansas Tenor" String Set for 4-string Cigar Box Guitars - Low E, A, D, G

  • A. J. Gaither's "Arkansas Tenor" String Set for 4-string Cigar Box Guitars - Low E, A, D, G
  • A. J. Gaither's "Arkansas Tenor" String Set for 4-string Cigar Box Guitars - Low E, A, D, G
  • A. J. Gaither's "Arkansas Tenor" String Set for 4-string Cigar Box Guitars - Low E, A, D, G
  • A. J. Gaither's "Arkansas Tenor" String Set for 4-string Cigar Box Guitars - Low E, A, D, G


This is a special set of strings, which traveling homemade music troubador A. J. Gaither has dubbed "Arkansas Tenor", for use on 4-string cigar box guitars. This set is comprised of the "lower 4" from a standard 6-string guitar set - the low E, A, D and G strings. This gives a much deeper and richer sound and tone than most other configurations, with the added bonus that you can use partial guitar chords (when looking at a 6-string chord form, ignore the two rightmost vertical lines and just look at the left four - G and C become two finger chords!)

A portion of the proceeds from every pack sold goes directly to A. J. to help keep him rolling down the road, making his music!

A. J. uses this same set on stage on his cigar box guitars, and this is also the same set we use on the Signature Model "Arkansas Tenor" cigar box guitars we build to his design. He likes this tuning with these big wound strings because it lets him lay down a strong driving bassy rhythm as a foundation for his vocals. Here's a short demo clip of these strings in action, from a live broadcast we did of A. J. in concert on the Gitty Juke Shack Stage.


Each pack contains 4 Made-in-the-USA Phosphor Bronze wound acoustic guitar strings. Low E: .056". Low A: .046". Middle D: .036". Middle G: .026"

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