Piezo Pickup Basics: Using Disk Piezos In Cigar Box Guitars - Part 1
Are you struggling with how to use a disk piezo pickup in your cigar box guitar? Do want to electrify your CBG with a piezo but don't know where to start?This is the first article in a two-part series that gives you the bare-bones "here's what you need to know" information to help you install a disk piezo pickup in your next cigar box guitar build. What You'll Find HereA lot of new cigar box guitar builders, and more than a few veterans, tend to get a bit uneasy when the topic of piezo
6th Feb 2019
The Astonishing Power of Building Cigar Box Guitars - Bringing People Together
We live in a crazy, fast-paced world and are bombarded with daily messages of divided people.Politics, sports, beliefs, and values… you name it, and it’s a hot-button topic used to clobber us in newsfeeds everywhere.Some days, it all feels like a little too much.Thank goodness there are cigar box guitars to bring us together.Cigar Box Guitars Join Us TogetherCigar box guitars have a magical way of joining folk to one another – to build, to encourage, to commiserate over mistakes, and to congratu
4th Feb 2019
Piezo & Magnetic Pickups: What Are The Differences?
So you want to electrify your cigar box guitar. Should you use a piezo pickup? How about a magnetic pickup? Exactly what are the differences between them, anyhow?
To better understand how to electrify your cigar box guitar, this article will teach you about piezo and magnetic pickups, and the differences between them.Differences between Piezo & Magnetic Pickups
When it comes to electrifying a cigar box guitar, there are two basic options: either a piezo pickup (sometimes called a contact
28th Jan 2019
Shock Your Imagination: 3 Brilliant Ways To Do It
Looking to liven up your workshop? Need to breathe new life into your builds?Every so often we builders fall into a slump, wondering what will tickle our cigar box guitar fancies. When that happens, what can get your creative juices flowing so you can build the next guitar that has you beaming with pride? The next guitar you can’t wait to share on social media or in your favorite cigar box guitar community such as Cigar Box Nation?Well here are 3 ways to shock your imagination and haul you out o
25th Jan 2019
What Is Scale Length & Why Does It Matter?
What is scale length and why should you care?
Given the “no rules” mantra in the cigar box guitar community, the term scale length looks an awful lot like a rule, doesn’t it?
And if there are no rules to building cigar box guitars – a big reason why they’re so much fun – then why do you need to learn about scale length?
Well, rather than bog you down with confusing terminology and the science of it all, what you’ll find here is the simple definition of scale length and t
22nd Jan 2019