
Cigar Box Guitar Festivals are the Best

Glenn Watt and I just got back from the 5th annual Pennsylvania Cigar Box Guitar festival. I have been at all five of them, and this was Glenn's third. Despite a host of challenges, from a steady rain that fell for the first few hours of the fest, to the fact that the organizer Jim Lewin spent a month or so on death's door earlier this year, the fest was a big success.

Glenn wrote last week about how great the CBG community can be, and how CBG fests are the perfect place to meet and greet - and he was right. Seeing old friends there, and meeting new ones, is always one of my favorite parts of this whole crazy scene.


From the meet and greet at the York Emporium on Friday night, to the whole day Saturday (through the rain and all), to the afte rparty Saturday night at the New Grounds coffee house where the Shane Speal Snake Oil Band put on the full theatrical production of their "Holler!" album... it was a great time.

New CBG festivals are springing up all around the country - in fact, next summer we intend to host the first annual New England Cigar Box Guitar Festival here at the C. B. Gitty headquarters in New Hampshire. If you have not yet been to one of these festivals, there's a good chance that one might be closer than you think. Get on Cigar Box Nation, check out the Cigar Box Guitar Facebook page, and see what's happening. It's worth the trip!

23rd Aug 2014 Ben "C. B. Gitty" Baker

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