5-Gallon Bucket Bass: A Simple One-String Bass Builder's Diary
It doesn't take much to make a musical instrument. You can sandwich an elastic band between two popsicle sticks to make a kazoo. You can even bang two rocks together to hold a beat. But what about crafting a single-string bass from a 5-gallon bucket and other cast-off objects?Well, that's exactly what you'll see here. Using a grimy bucket rescued from a burned-down restaurant, two broom handles used to sweep an old factory floor, and a handful of miscellaneous bits, a single-string, 5-gallon buc
2nd Sep 2020
What's Your Story? 19 First-Hand Accounts Of How People Got Into Cigar Box Guitars
We all have an origin story: the reason each of us began crafting handmade musical instruments.Some stumbled upon a cigar box guitar at a craft fair or music festival. Others saw Shane Speal’s videos on YouTube, encouraging and educating people from all over the world.
No matter the inspiration, each of our stories guides our next build, and binds us together in this community of tinkerers, artists, hobbyists, musicians, woodworkers, and crafting-enthusiasts.
To give voice to these stor
23rd Apr 2018