The Reso-Electro Cigar Box Guitar Project - Pt. 1: Intro, Parts and Layout
Shane Speal's latest four-string cigar box guitar combines a wide array of parts into an alternate-reality, retro blues machine. Follow along as he describes the gumbo of parts, techniques and creative ideas behind it. Here's a quick intro video highlighting the fantastic tone of this machine...Photos, video & text by Shane Speal
Above: A collection of's resonator covers, displayed in front of the half-built Reso Electro. A second H
11th Mar 2021
The Radical Radio Resonator by Michael Copado
I was extremely excited when you guys announced that you were spinning paint can lids into resonators (The Hubcap Spun Cigar Box Guitar Resonator) and ordered a large and medium almost immediately. It took a few weeks to figure out which box to use with which resonator. I had the boxes sitting with resonators on top on a table and every now and then would move them around on the box, or swap boxes- Not quite sure what I wanted to do.A few weeks back Del Puckett did a couple videos on using the F
2nd Apr 2019